In my previous post, I wrote a bit about divorce.
It also happened in my family from time to time. As I wrote, my grandfather´s parents had also divorced. And it was probably contributing to me having great trouble finding my great-grandfather´s dead. My Great-grandmother Maren Sofie Jørgensen, on the other hand, I knew a lot about. She lived until 1968 before she died at the age of 93 at The old People´s Home in Nysted, where she herself had worked as a housekeeper for a number of years. My Great-grandfather Anders Peder Johansen, as I said, I had big problems finding. Because, where should I look for him when they lived apart. I expected him to be somewhere on Eastlolland og maybe on Falster. But when you don´t have as much as just a date, it is a little difficult to know where to look. I´ve probably been to a lot of church books, but if I´ve come across him, I have not really seen him anyway. But then I stumbled upon a good and very useful link at the Danish Genealogists. A link to a so-called Death Register. It´a site that is built really smart. You simply enter the date of birth of the person you are looking for and to narrow it down a bit, you can also choose whether it is a man or a woman. No more is needed. And “wupti” ! Then you have an overview of everyone with this date of birth who died in Denmark at some point between 1943 and 1969. I would really like this period to be extended a lot. But unfortunately I quess we will have to wait a while for that.
It turned out that my Great-grandfather died at the hospital Oringe in Vordingborg, according to the church register of an accident, at the age of 85. He must for some reason have been hospilized there, because he had his residence on Finlandsvej in Nykøbing Falster. Then I now could suddenly find him in the church register for both Nykøbing and Vordingborg.
In the same place I also found his two brothers, whom I did not know very much about. On the other hand, I already knew a coople of his sisters, who are not to be found here, as these two had emigrated to the United States and ended their days in Minnesota, where I have had a brief contact with one of his sister Dorthea´s descendants. A woman who promised me to send the information she had about the family. Unfortunately, she has never done that.